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Mr Mom

Meet the modern dad: According to a recent Pew Research survey, he’s young (27.4 years old) and spends nearly triple the amount of time at home than dads in the ’60s ever did. But he still finds more time for leisurely pursuits than mom (three hours a week more to be exact). Luckily for this […]

Meet the modern dad: According to a recent Pew Research survey, he’s young (27.4 years old) and spends nearly triple the amount of time at home than dads in the ’60s ever did. But he still finds more time for leisurely pursuits than mom (three hours a week more to be exact). Luckily for this sport- addicted, tech-driven, sharply dressed new father, the world of baby gear has moved on from blue bunny blankets, ho-hum lullabies and mom- friendly diaper bags, and is taking cues straight from GQ and ESPN. On-trend cam- ouflage prints, handsome shades of navy, orange and red and teethers befitting a future all-star make father- hood all the more fun—and are the perfect excuse
to hit the ball field.
—Angela Velasquez

1. OXO 4 oz. food storage containers and on-the-go feeding spoon
2. Meg Original plush burp cloths
3. Chewbeads New York Yankees silicone teething ring
4. Tickle Toes fabric covered diaper case
5. Diaper Dude camouflage sling diaper bag
6. Mondaine watch
7. Rockabye Baby! CD of lullaby renditions of The White Stripes
9. Puma portable iPod and iPhone speakers
10. KinderStuff organic cotton one-piece
11. Mud Pie football socks.


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