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Made to Order

Little and big customers alike love stopping by to whip up something special at Meg Fisher’s Lincoln & Lexi.

farmerIt’s safe to say Meg Fisher is a planner. The owner of Lincoln & Lexi, a children’s boutique and photography studio in Des Moines, IA, Fisher began laying the groundwork for her store in college and launched Lincoln & Lexi in 2010 as a custom home party and baby shower business not long after graduating. Her handmade pieces were such a hit that she opened a mall kiosk about a year later. Today, Fisher’s shop offers a range of high-end children’s and maternity brands in addition to her popular in-house line. In fact, “About 75 percent of our sales come from our custom products, accessories and gifts—about 10 percent of our square footage,” she notes. With a custom accessories station and the ability to add embroidery on the spot, little and big customers alike love stopping by to whip up something special. As for the name, it’s what she plans to call her son and daughter one day. (Thankfully, she reports, her fiancé is on board.)


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